Lignos, Inc.
Lignos works closely with entrepreneurs, founders, executive management, and their investors to help you objectively determine what makes sense pursuing either in extending your product line, platform, marketing or business development. Generally the skill set required to be successful to build your own successful products are highly specialized and can impact the timing and profitability of a product(s) time to market. Knowing what to build, in what order and continuing to hit business metrics and milestones is an extremely complicated process. We provide this skillset on demand and when we are done we transfer this learning and knowledge to your team. This way you can easily enhance your team to avoid mis-steps that create a drag on velocity..
>> Learn why companies engage Lignos.
The Solution
We provide the required data, expertise and experience to objectively assess your strategic business, market and product development goals. We are retained by founders, entrepreneurs, business executives, angel/private investors and venture capital firms to perform our fact-based bottom up or top down assessments and due diligence to come up with options quickly and within budget, and work to transfer the knowledge and best practices to your team for them to replicate across your organization. It is your strategy and learning and yours alone.
>> Learn how Lignos delivers ROI.
Delivered Services
Lignos flexible and adaptable professional services are delivered from a mix of data analysts and financial model makers, staff subject matter experts or "Advisors" that provide their focus, experience and expertise to help implement bespoke (custom) solutions for our clients. Our clients are very diverse, as is our team. We have provided solutions and analysis to performance analytic performance and portfolio managment software providers, i.e. hedge funds and fund of funds. Entities focused on counter terrorism and homeland security, automotive, supply chain management and are representative of medium commercial software providers and small start ups focused on shrink wrap applications, Software as a Service, enterprise, OEM and web software development solutions.
We deliver services that include fund raising, business planning, product marketing business development sales management and forecasting by business professionals who have themselves been through these experiences several times over and have themselves purchased, built and re-engineered companies, products and systems for businesses across the high technology universe. To explore the value Lignos can craft for you, please contact us.

Store Front | Franchisee, Partner
Growth Stage